Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Quotes to share:

1. Some people talk a lot but meaningless; some speak a single sentence but full of meaning and insight. Most of us speak hundreds and thousands of words in our whole life, but some people, like Lao Zi, Confucius, Jesus, talked less, perhaps thousands only, but their words are being passed through generations and still being quoted today.

2. Many pray and worship for objects, not God. Are we praying to want God understand and accomplish our will; or are we praying to understand and accomplish God's will? Understand God, not fulfill only our lust!

3. The spirit of LIE is working around the world. Politics, religion, business, education, science and so many fields are full of lies. Some use the name of God to start a war; some fake their research work; some cheated for power. Are we blinded by the lies around us, ignoring the whisper of truth from the spirit of God?


zhonging said...

yeah yeah, talk less do much
where is tje celotape to seal my mouth

Colis said...

talk less do much? to talk many do less?